Friday, October 30, 2015

More "On Daria"

Two things:

1. Cross-genres:

"We'll be through the criminal justice system and home in time for Buffy." - Quinn Morgendorffer "Speedtrapped"

2. The unspoken:

JAKE [VO]: Maybe I need to stop blaming dad for my problems and concentrate on being the best father I can. Really reach out to my little girl who always looks so lonely and tell her, "I'm here for you. I always will be."

JAKE: You know the peanut really is a second class nut. Now cashews - those are what the big guys eat. The CEOs.

DARIA [VO]: I don't care if he's afraid of heights, but he's afraid to be afraid. That's what's so heartbreaking. He's my father; shouldn't I let down the barricades for once and tell him I think he's my hero?

DARIA: How did a solid gold fish get in here? Weird.

"Of Human Bonding" S04E07.


Captain's Log
[Pause] Supplemental

Also this from BuzzFeed: This Is What The Cast Of “Daria” Looks Like Now

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Bottle Imp

Listening to an adaptation of "The Bottle Imp" by "Favorite Story" from 28 October 1947 via Basically, there's a wish granting imp in a bottle, if you buy it, you have to sell it on for less than you bought it for and if you sell it for more, the bottle comes back to you - and - here's the catch - if you have it when you die, you're consigned to Hell. The Wikipedia article about the Robert Louis Stevenson story (here) states that there are a number of resolutions to 'The Bottle Paradox' exists, one of which is employed in the ending of the story. But - what if - working in the framework of the story (i.e. believing that imps and Hell and bottles exist) can't you just wish yourself to go to Heaven when you die? Doesn't that break the paradox too?

Also, points to Stevenson for employing foreign currency exchanges as a device.

Sidebar: The Kingdom of Hawaii, The story takes place in the Kingdom of Hawaii, which is what the American State of Hawaii used to be before it's occupation and annexation, as related from The Hawaiian Kingdom website.

"On January 16, 1893, United States diplomatic and military personnel conspired with a small group of individuals to overthrow the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom and prepared to provide for annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States of America, under a treaty of annexation submitted to the United States Senate, on February 15, 1893. Newly elected U.S. President Grover Cleveland, having received notice that the cause of the so-called revolution derived from illegal intervention by U.S. diplomatic and military personnel, withdrew the treaty of annexation and appointed James H. Blount, as Special Commissioner, to investigate the terms of the so-called revolution and to report his findings. 
"The report concluded that the United States legation assigned to the Hawaiian Kingdom, together with United States Marines and Naval personnel, were directly responsible for the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom government. The report details the culpability of the United States government in violating international laws and the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom, but the United States Government fails to follow through in its commitment to assist in reinstating the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom." 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I was watching "Robin Williams Remembered" on Netflix. At one point Pam Dawber corrected herself from "...that's the was he is." to "he was". That's tragedy. Right there. A good working definition of tragedy in that one little verb tense.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Using my Kindle Fire as a drawing tablet

I was wondering how to freehand some drawings and have them end up on my computer without having to sketch and scan. So far what I've come up with is using my Kindle Fire HD 7 with a couple of apps to first draw and then directly transfer the file from one to the other over the wireless connection.

Those two apps are Inkboard by, Inc. for drawing, and ES File Explorer by ES Mobile for the file transfers. Inkboard is a straight forward drawing program that lets you start with either a Blank Canvas, to Select a Photo, or to take an image from the Camera, and a variety of crayons, markers, pencils, pens, and highliters to sketch with and to mark up existing images. However, its very basic - no changing sizes of nib, only a limited zoom. It's a tool for just the basics after all - there are more sophisticated tools - but, hey, this is just proof of concept.

ES File Explorer will let you not only browse the files on the Kindle, but it also lets you connect to Web, and it comes with a list of Favorites to file locations on the Kindle (handy). 

And it also lets you connect with network locations and it provides a simple FTP host that you can connect to from a web browser from your computer. Once you select Remote Manager from the menu and click the Turn On button, you can browse to the ftp site listed on ES'es screen.

Remote Manager

After the Remote Manager is turned on

From there, it's just a couple of clicks to Inkboard's folder...

The root directory of the Kindle.

The Pictures directory with the Inkboard and Screenshots folders visible.

... and a quick right-click and Save As... to get it to my computer.

Here's a quick fingertip drawing:
If I come up with anything better, I'll post it.